Sponsorship & Advertising

Without the support of our members through the purchase of sponsorship and advertising, we would not be able to host our great social, networking and education events.

The following sponsorship and advertising opportunities are available.

The NCHCA corporate sponsor package provides members with the opportunity to support their association and be recognized throughout the year at all NCHCA events, on the NCHCA website and social media pages, in e-blasts and in the NCHCA Newsletter.

Corporate sponsors receive:
• Free membership dues ($825)
• 2 free registrations at every event
• Acknowledgement on corporate sponsor banner at all events
• Acknowledgment in all newsletters and on social platforms
• Sponsor’s logo on the NCHCA website linked to sponsor’s website
• Use of the NCHCA corporate sponsor logo
• A corporate sponsor wall certificate
• Acknowledgment in NCHCA’s Annual Report
• Acknowledgment at all in-person events and virtual meetings

The Education Series is a series of four events held in collaboration with the Association of Consulting Engineering Companies – Ontario and the City of Ottawa.

Program Sponsor $3,500
Gold Sponsor $1,500
Silver Sponsor $1,000
Bronze Sponsor $600

Program Booklet Advertising

Inside back-page ad $750
Full page ad $500
Half-page ad $300

Expected virtual attendance 1000+

Join your colleagues for an afternoon of friendly competition and great company.

Lunch Sponsor $1,000
Gold Sponsor $1,000
Ice Sponsor $750
Silver Sponsor $750
Bronze Sponsor $500

Expected attendance 120+

Join us at our AGM to welcome NCHCA’s new Board members.

Platinum Sponsor $3,000
Gold Sponsor $2,000
Host Bar Co-Sponsor $1,500
Silver Sponsor $1,500
Speaker Sponsor $1,000
Bronze Sponsor $750

Expected attendance 250+

Join us at our annual Softball Tournament.


Event Sponsor $3,000
Lunch Sponsor $2,500
Refreshment Sponsor $2,000
Gold Sponsor $1,500
Silver Sponsor $1,000
Bronze Sponsor $500

Expected attendance 180+

Join NCHCA for a memorable day of golf and networking. This premier event includes great food and drink, signature holes and much more.

Patio Sponsor $3,000
Golf Cart Sponsor $3,000
Welcome Sponsor $3,000
Cigar & Scotch Sponsor $3,000
Signature Hole Sponsor $2,500
Cocktail Reception Sponsor $2,500
Dinner Sponsor $2,500
Lunch Sponsor $2,500
Wine Sponsor $2,000
Course Refreshment Sponsor $2,000
Golf Ball Sponsor $1,500
Tee Box Sign Sponsor $500

Expected attendance 325+
Sponsorship opportunities may change.

Join NCHCA for a memorable day of golf and networking. This premier event includes great food and drink, signature holes and much more.

Patio Sponsor $3,000
Golf Cart Sponsor $3,000
Welcome Sponsor $3,000
Cigar & Scotch Sponsor $3,000
Signature Hole Sponsor $2,500
Cocktail Reception Sponsor $2,500
Dinner Sponsor $2,500
Lunch Sponsor $2,500
Wine Sponsor $2,000
Course Refreshment Sponsor $2,000
Golf Ball Sponsor $1,500
Tee Box Sign Sponsor $500

Expected attendance 325+
Sponsorship opportunities may change.

Join us at NCHCA’s annual BBQ Shine & Show. Bring your equipment and enjoy a cold one with your colleagues.

Platinum Sponsor $3,000
Dinner Sponsor $2,500
Equipment Sponsor $2000
Beer & Wine Sponsor $1,000
Gold Sponsor $500

Expected attendance 250+

Join us at our second annual Soccer Tournament.

Event Sponsor $3,000
Turf Sponsor $2,500
Ball Sponsor $1,500
Gold Sponsor $1,000
Silver Sponsor $750
Bronze Sponsor $500

Expected attendance 160+

Join your colleagues at the CHEO Construction Equipment Drive-By in support of CHEO and Roger Neilson House.

Lead Truck Sponsor $2,000
CHEO Bear Sponsor $2,000
Presentation Sponsor $2,000
Gold Sponsor $1,000

Join NCHCA for a formal evening of dinner and dancing as we celebrate another year of success as an industry.


Platinum Sponsor $3,000
Dinner Sponsor $2,500
Wine Sponsor $2,000
Entertainment Sponsor $1,000
Gold Sponsor $750

Expected attendance 235+

Advertising – Full Package for 1 year ($2000)

  • Banner style (1200 X 400) ad will appear in all NCHCA Newsletters.
  • 3 social posts (600 X 600) will be posted to Facebook & Linked In.
  • Member to include all text within the ad and submit image in jpeg or png to info@nchca.ca with appropriate web address.
  • Ads will remain the same unless a new ad is submitted.
Purchase Now
Newsletter Advertising (for one month) $250

  • Banner style ad (1200 px X 400 px).
  • Member to include all text within the ad and submit image in jpeg or png to info@nchca.ca with appropriate web address.
Purchase Now
Social Post Advertising (per post) $250

  • 1 social post (600 px X 600 px) will be posted to Facebook & Linked In.
  • Member to include all text within the ad and submit image in jpeg or png to info@nchca.ca with appropriate web address.
Purchase Now
1/4-page ad $500
1/2-page ad $750
Full page ad $1,200
Divider page ad $1,500
Front inside cover $2,000
Back inside cover $2,000
Back outside cover $3,000

Questions? Please contact NCHCA at 613.263.2722 or info@nchca.ca.