Signature Hole Sponsor
All Sponsor Packages Include:
- Display of sponsor’s banner at event, supplied and displayed by sponsor on hole
- Recognition as a sponsor during speeches
- Acknowledgement on event banners and on each table at dinner
- Acknowledgement in all event promotion materials
- Acknowledgement on NCHCA’s website
- Acknowledgement in NCHCA’s Annual Report
Please contact to:
- Determine your on-hole food, drink or event. Ideas and Requests Welcome!
- Food and drink will be served by the course staff , sponsor volunteers are welcome but not required. A tent will be provided by the course, sponsor to provide signage.
- Event hole sponsors should arrange the event, volunteers, company signage and tent. To request a tent, please contact
- Confirm number volunteers on sponsored hole
- Confirm and arrange drop off of tent, signage, props etc.
- NCHCA will provide 1 table (approx. 8 feet) and 2 chairs, please advise if more seats are required.
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